More Development Resources

On this page are various blogs and videos that administrators and trustees of faith-based schools have found useful.  These can be viewed for free and used as needed by your school. We welcome your feedback and suggestion on these documents or other tools you’d like to see.

5 Requisites for Development Success
The 5 core requisites that should drive strategy, time invested and performance evaluations, by both the Board and Administration for faith-based schools to achieve their fund development potential.  

Development Plan for a Faith-based School
How to formulate an effective plan with an accompanying free template available below.

8 Steps of a Major Gifts Ask

Using Volunteers in Major Gift Asks
Faith-based schools often rely on volunteers to help with Major Gift solicitation.  But they soon find that volunteers need a lot of TLC to be successful. This tutorial lays out the challenges of using volunteers, what they need and how to ramp up their effectiveness.